Safe and Healthy Travel - JacomijnHalong Bay, Vietnam 2012


I am Jacomijn, I founded Safe and Healthy Travel 

In 2015 I decided to share my experiences as a solo traveller. It was a big step to start traveling around the globe just by myself in 2012, but it has enriched my life beyond expectations.

In the years that followed my way of traveling changed. I started to connect more and more with local people and their way of living. By doing so I started to self reflect from their perspective and got to know myself better also. I volunteered in Kenya, I went horseback-riding deep in the mountains in Kyrgyzstan for a week. The hospitality of the people is heartwarming again and again. Being invited for chai, even for lunch, while it could be that their supplies are in short and it maybe the only food they have at that time, makes me feel so humble and extremely grateful every time.  I wasn’t necessarily looking for this new way of connecting, but these experiences opened up a new way of traveling: more in tune with nature, people and their culture.

I’m always meditating and practicing yoga, also during my travels. I took a ten day Vipassana course three times and I went to India to do the 200 RYT Yoga Teacher Course. I try to push myself out of my comfort zone to learn and to grow. By keeping ten days ‘noble silence’ – no talking / reading – no eye or physical contact – whilst being isolated from the outside world, you’re confronted with a lot of new thoughts and emotions: it’s your own mind and spirit you’re working with. After the course those emotions will find a place and are the starting point of the ‘new you’. Through yoga I also learned many new ways of dealing with myself and the world physically and emotionally, it really has changed me and how I relate to others forever.

I think a healthy life style is key to enjoy a busy traveling schedule and work-life balance. You’ll see me enjoying yoga everywhere, especially at stunning locations.

Because I also work full time police officer in the Netherlands, I have in depth knowledge of public- and private safety issues. During my travels I have encountered many challenging situations. You’ll find lot’s of tips and tricks on how to avoid and handle unsafe situations.

You can connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, or just send me an e-mail on

Looking forward hearing from you! 

Sunshine greetings! 

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