Yoga Inspiration – Do It Yourself
|Since a couple of years I’m working to make my body a bit more flexible, more skilful and at the same time stronger and more stabile. I was searching for that one sport that could do that for me and a couple of years ago I had some survival lessons and races, just to try. I love it!! It is a great outdoorsport! You dare your body to a limit and it has got every challenge I was searching for.
There is just one big disadvantage…I couldn’t just go practising when I want it….In my backyard or in my attic.
So when I challenged myself to do a handstand…and not just a handstand but a steady one…being able to stand still on my hands for at least 10 seconds… I started to practise and while doing that I slowly slided into the world of Yoga
Yoga – Do It Yourself
— Instagram Yogis die ik volg —
Inspiration Online!
While searching tips to get that handstand I got challenged to other poses. More and more it challenged me and I wanted to do them!! I started to join in on monthly challenges on Instagram. I found those at the profiles I started to follow and found them under the hashtags: #DetoxYoBody #MayIBeginYoga (may challenge) These challenges were lead by @beachyogagirl en @kinoyoga
I was challenged to pose on a daily bases, some poses seemed impossible!! Just by looking into it and searching other contesters and looking what they were doing I learned. I saw ways of stretching and warming up to get your body to do get into that strange pose. It was a great way to learn and I got into practising more and more. It is so much fun when one day you can’t get into a pose and the other day it is working out for you!!
In the beginning of 2015 I was in India and met Sunil. We started to talk about Yoga at some point and he just gave the that one tip I needed to get my headstand steady!! It was just a minor difference in position of my head and hands….and with that.. Stability!! When I got home I did what Sunil told me and immediatly my headstand was stabile!!
Headstand, julu 2016 in Halmstad – Sweden
Inspiration – Social Media
To get more inspiration I started to follow a couple of YouTube channels. It is easy to learn when they tell you what to do and meanwhile showing it. I follow KinoYoga on YouTube too but also Cody Online Fitness. He really gives some great advice and easy to follow tips on how to pose or strengthen your body. He is very inspirational for me!
I regularly watch other channels and I want to share with you Dana Falsetti. A lady from which you wouldn’t expect such finesse!! She is so inspiring!! She is a bit to heavy and doesn’t seem flexible because of that…well…look at this great clip!! You’ll keep your excuses why you couldn’t to yourself in the future!!
So I am a ‘Do It Yourself’ yoga practitioner.
I work irragular and most times can not go to classes on a weekly bases
I workout when I can, when I feel like it and where I would like too! Lessons are expensive and when you miss 1 or 2 weeks out of the month it’s not worth the money anymore! It is of course nice to be part of a community when you’re at a gym and seeing others train and improving their skills and learning from eachothers tips.
Yogaclasses can be expensive
especially when you can not be there all the time
So I find my lessons online. On Instagram, on YouTube or through Twitter. When you start following those profiles and share your own pictures with the hashtags: #Yoga #MyYogaLife #YogisOfInstagram #YogaJourney #DetoxYoBody you’ll see more and more profiles and pictures in your timeline. Those will inspire you and you start sharing more and commenting on others and by doing that: Learning! The interactions is really good, very inspiring and for me so challenging to make progress and train almost on a daily bases. More practising and making better pictures 🙂
These were the pictures I posted on Instagram early last year during those monthly challenges
And at some point I started to make pictures outside…with better backgrounds.. Trying to get those nice shapes.. And by wanting that you start practising more, I wanted to be more flexible…and started seeing your surrounding different.
And that is good!!
That is how you improve yourself and you start to make prettier pictures!
Thajiwas Glacier – Kashmir, India
West Sweden along the coast!!
Holterberg during autumn – Holten, Netherlands
Somewhere in Iceland – Snaefellsnes Naturepark
Yoga Inspiration
Stockholm – july 2016
Practising for my Camino – Spring 2016, Hellendoorn – The Netherlands
The wonderful UNESCO heritage site: Kinderdijk, Netherlands
During my mountaingbiking I always see great spots to stretch and pose 🙂
Often people ask my: How do you do it? From who are you learning? Who is your teacher?
So here are my answers… This is where I get my inspiration 🙂
And I do hope that I can inspire someone to work his or her body as well. Work your flexibility and your strength!!
Do you want to inspire too?
Feel free to share this post on social media 🙂
I wrote some more blogs about inspiration
See also: Yes, I Travel Alone….I’m Single
Or: Each day we may choose Differently
Or what do you feel about? Mind over Matter

Jacomijn is een politieagent uit Nederland die jou graag laat zien hoe je veilig, actief en gezond de wereld kan over reizen. Safe and Healthy travel is a MUST
It is!!
Regardless, developing a home yoga practice and committing to it is a profound tool for deepening into your own personal relationship with yoga.