Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert – Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya – Section 802 Jordan Trail

Mindful hiking in the Wadi Rum desert really is a must! So during my first Mindfulness Journey, I felt it was really important to make a hike a reality. The Mindfulness Journey would have us spend 6 full days in a Bedouin camp, working on Yoga / Meditation but also coaching conversations based on your unique drives.

So how nice is it that you also get out for a day, the middle day of the Mindfulness week? A break from thinking about everything. The great thing is that your brain does subconsciously get on with it. You yourself may take a moment to luxuriate in the grandeur of the desert, the immense heat of the sun and life as it is also lived on this globe. Like Bedouins trekking through a desert.

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail

Mindful hiking in the Wadi Rum desert

When I started looking for a mindful hike in the Wadi Rum desert, I quickly came across the famous Jordan Trail. Section 802 of this Jordan Trail brought me what I wanted from this hiking day during the mindfulness journey. Walking through the plains, but also the variety of mountains/rocks that you walk past and occasionally disappear between. This stage of the Jordan Trail had it all!

I found my mindful hike in the Wadi Rum desert!

How does the Jordan Trail looks?

The Jordan Trail runs from the top of Jordan all the way to the Red Sea near Aqaba. The Jordan Trail is divided into eight sections. The first section starts in Um Qais, as mentioned at the very top of Jordan and the last section, No 8, goes all the way to the Red Sea, Aqaba. When I was in Jordan in 2021, I saw the gate at the beach in Aqaba.

  1. Um Qais to Aljoun
  2. Aljoun to As-Salt
  3. As-Salt to Wadi Zarqa Ma’in
  4. 3 Wadis to Kerak
  5. Al-Karak to Dana
  6. Dana to Petra
  7. Petra to Wadi Rum
  8. Wadi Rum to the Red Sea

Jordan Trail end / start on the beacht of Aqaba
I took this picture in 2021, on the other side it says Finish..

All these different sections are divided into several hiking stages. The first stage of the 8th section starts in Humeima and leads you through the first part of the desert to Jabal Kharazah. That’s where our hike started, at the natural bridge Jabal Kharazah. After this, there are 4 more stages before you cover the length between the Wadi Rum and Aqaba on the Red Sea.

Jordan Trail – The long distance Trail of Jordan

What is the totall length of the Jordan Trail?

The entire length of the Jordan Trail is 675 kilometres.
If you wanted to do it all the way, you’d be busy for 40 days, if you don’t take breaks then….

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail

A total of 40 stages are described to get you through the full length of the eight different sections, from the top of Jordan to the Red Sea.

Startingoint Jabal Kharazah – Jordan Trail

After a little wandering, we arrived at our starting point that morning. Indeed, we were shown another carving from the time of the Nabataeans, and of course we had a cup of tea there in the Bedouin tent next to it. Jabal Kharazah is a natural bridge created in stone/rock. A nice viewpoint and photogenic spot. There were some other tourists and as we were all looking forward to the walk I only took 1 photo, we did not climb it but went straight on our way.

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail

We walked straight out onto the wide plain of the Wadi Rum, immense scenery stretches out before you and our view on both sides was screened off from a few hundred metres to maybe a kilometre away with rocks/rock walls. I find estimating distances difficult in the desert, there is little you can measure metres by and your view soon goes on for kilometres.

Without thinking too much about it, we start walking behind our guide.

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail

Mohammed, our guide, is a young guy and can speak quite a bit of English. He likes to talk about his passion, horse riding in the desert, being in the desert and living there. Proudly, he showed us a picture of his baby son, just 4 weeks old. Mohammed grew up in the desert and has worked for years as a guide on hikes and horse and camel rides through the Wadi Rum desert.

– The emptiness – The vastness –
It does something with your mindset

First I walk alone for a while, everyone taking their time, their own place on this journey. Reflecting on the desert, yet also on the days before in which we gained insight into the pitfalls we keep encountering on our life path. Pitfalls that now suddenly had a logical background after all, allowing us to recognise them earlier in the future and avoid disappointment.

Lunchbreak – Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum

After a while, we approach the rocks that seemed to be in the distance and walk into a road. Suddenly we find ourselves in a narrow gap between rocks and many green bushes. The desert, of course, is a big beige sandpit where there is little greenery but in some places the bushes do get enough shade and shelter to grow a little bigger. I love this spot while meaningfully hiking in the Wadi Rum desert.

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail

As we exit this beautiful stretch of the Jordan Trail, we again look over an endless plain of golden sand with on the horizon the rock formations so familiar from the Wadi Rum. We begin another long trek across this empty plain. When we are halfway across, we are overtaken by Abdullah, as he rides with us at a distance for safety reasons.

He asks me when I want lunch, it can be in half an hour or so or possibly after that but then it is still 1.5 hours away. We are ready for it and so we decide to walk for another half hour. I can already see the rock that I suspect will be the break spot in the distance and the guide walking with the two other guests further on can also be seen slowly moving in that direction.

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail

As we get closer, my hiking buddy of that moment also indicates that she feels a bit of the energy draining out of her and that she needs shade, food and some rest. How nice that we are then also almost at the break spot. And that when we arrive at the break spot, the rugs are already on the ground with some nice cushions so we can plop down right away. A nice breeze is blowing and when you are sitting in the shade, with your shoes off, looking back on your effort, we can only be happy.

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail

With big smiles, we all sit/lay back and enjoy this day.
Fully enjoying this meaningful hike in the Wadi Rum desert.

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail
Mashed potatoes with herbs and egg, deliciously spiced tomato mix, cucumber and tasty Arabic bread. How delicious!

Afternoon part of Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum

As we continue walking, we go to a fantastic viewpoint over the Valley of Colors. This valley has served as the backdrop for several films, particularly because it is reminiscent of a lunar landscape. But before we get to this valley, we have to go up a huge sand dune. Slowly, we start walking up this huge sand dune. We feel the sand creeping into our shoes. Sinking nicely into the loose sand and slowly but surely we get higher. Our view behind us becomes beautiful. Looking back, we see our footsteps showing the path we have just walked.

Halfway up, I also get more and more views of the valley we are heading towards. Halfway up, I take one of my best photos into the valley (The first photo in this blog).

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail
Gids Mohammed leaving a trace for us to follow

Hiking on the Jordan Trail in the Wadi Rum

Valley of Colors – Wadi Rum

I can see the various huge rocks towering high from the ground in different gradations one after the other. Zooming in a bit gives you that perspective from the distance with the view of that background too. This is really my favourite photo of the day. Looking at it now I ask myself why I didn’t dwell on that moment longer.

Reflecting on life – As you may briefly enjoy these kinds of amazing views because they change the moment you pass through I also reflect back to my life…briefly I enjoyed moments in my life to the fullest. But as I continue to grow and also want to move on your environment changes, that which you desire from it and that which makes you happy.

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail
What a magnificent view!

At the top, we have a lovely breeze, we enjoy the grand views and then it is really time to go back down as well. Again, it’s the loose desert sand we can sink into and slowly, half running, we go down again. What a fun and beautiful stretch this is!

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail

Enjoying the magnificent views of the Wadi Rum

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail
And ofcourse running down the hill in the loose desert sand

Downstairs, we all pick a stone to sit on for a while. We first take off our shoes and knock out the yellow, fine desert sand.

After this, we continue walking across the Wadi Rum plain. Impressed by the emptiness after such an impressive view, we walk back into the big nothing. After a while we reach a high wall, there we take a short break by the car that has caught up with us in the meantime. We are told that we are at the spot that has served as the backdrop for many famous films, e.g. Aladin, Dune, Star Wars and The Martian.

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum Desert - Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya - Section 802 Jordan Trail

We are also asked whether we want to stop at this beautiful point or really walk out of the desert towards the village. The real end point of this hike: Al-Shakriya. One of the villages located in the Wadi Rum.

Unanimous answer to that is, we will continue to the end. It is hot, we are covered in dust but the pass is still delightful and everyone is determined to actually finish the 15 km of meaningful hiking in the desert. A wonderful challenge that, after just under an hour of walking across the plain, we all complete with a sense of satisfaction.

Just before Al-Shakriya a sandstorm rises - Jordan Trail section 802 - Mindful Travel

Then, when we almost reach the car, a sandstorm seems to flare up but fortunately it subsides again before we get there. In the shade of the car, we rest for a while, drink some water and head for our Bedouin camp in the desert feeling super satisfied.

Jordan Trail through the Wadi Rum – Jordan

Would you also like to do such a challenging hike?

Save this hike as inspiration for your trip to Jordan

Want to know more about this mindful hiking in the Wadi Rum desert?

Arranging mindful hiking in the Wadi Rum desert?

What a wonderful challenge I found it. Something completely different, out of the camp, out of your comfort zone by just walking 15 km in the burning sun…. But, with good sunscreen and plenty of water, very bearable.

I booked this trip with Brenda of Jordan Desert Journeys. She has lived in Jordan for years and has organised dozens of trips in cooperation with locals. The safety aspect is well considered and together you agree well what you are looking for on this hike.

Bedouin Camp in the Wadi Rum?

I have been to the Wadi Rum several times now. Desert Magic Camp & Resort is a nice mix of luxury but also still really a Bedouin camp. You also see many domes you can stay in, so no more traditional tents. In fact, I like and enjoy the traditional aspect of the desert.

At Desert Magic Camp you have several areas where you can sit, just on chairs as we know them but also lying down in a traditional tent or in the old lobby on long benches along the side. The tent you stay in has all the luxuries like a real bed and private bathroom. In the evening, if there are enough guests, they will prepare an evening meal in the Zarb, an underground barbecue in which meat, potatoes and vegetables are prepared.

Desert Magic Camp - Wadi Rum Jordan - Mindful hiking on the Jordan Trail

All tents naturally have a large window and terrace so you can enjoy the desert.
Book your overnight stay at Desert Magic Camp too.

Mindful Hiking in the Wadi Rum desert
Sectie 802 – Jabal Kharazah to Al-Shakriya

Looking for more hiking inspiration?

In 2019 I hiked in Nepal the Poon Hill Trek in 8 days

Hiking on the GR92 – Costa Brava, Spain

Walking along the Portugese Coast – Fishermen’s Trail

Hikinh in the teaplantations of Cameron Highlands in Malaysia

Looking for some adventure in a wadi? Jordan and Oman has some great options!

Hiking in a Wadi – Oman & Jordan – Adventurous hiking in the Middle-East

I hope you enjoy this beautiful world as much as I do