I took a challenge for this year, walking a Camino. I haven’t written about it in English yet but at the start of this year I took this challenge. In fact I took two challenges. The first one is my challenge of last year. Learning to do a steady handstand…for at least 10-15 seconds.

But my big challenge for this year is this new one, walking a Camino, 800 K walking in Spain. I have taken care of some basic things already in order to make it a succes. I arranged my absence at work, I take unpaid ‘holiday’, if you can still call it a holiday. I’m going for 5 months in total 🙂 The Camino is planned on the start of my long trip!!
I started to walk and in my head my plan is getting more real every day.
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Camino Frances – My big Challenge in 2016
Next to that I need to get some good walking shoes. That is the first thing that needs to be in order. I did started to walk but still on sportingshoes or even normal shoes or boots. I need to get K’s in my body. To prepare proper I need to have the shoes already in an early stage.
I do live in a great area, much green and forest.
Great for walking and making K’s!
Preparing for this great challenge, Camino Frances
2016 is one month away and I started to keep track on my K’s. Just to know how I’m doing. I found a Dutch Facebook group…Groups for everything ofcourse 🙂 Everytime I walk a bit I update it in there. I see others do the same, less then me…but also so much more then me.. It really motivates me a lot! In these first 5 weeks I walked 115 K, so I think it is going good!

Today I went to a feetcentre and got some information about my feet and about what kind of shoe is good for me. I walked on a strip and they made a small video about it, they didn’t saw any abnormality so that is good. I didn’t expected that but still… It kind of scary to do, you never know 🙂
Good walking shoes, I’ve chosen LOWA!
They had a couple of options and I choose the Lowa. The shoe fitted right away. The shoe is a light weighted shoe. The sole of my foot fitted exactly so I had a match! The shoe itself had a nice appearance and colour, also of some importance 🙂 And when they’re good I’ll use them for years…

I bought the Lowa Renegade. It is an expensive shoe but it forms the basic to what I’m going to do this year. When I want to safe money on that I can better stop right away and not even start thinking about going to Saint jean Pied de Port.
The Camino Frances starts in the bottom of France

The route of the Camino Frances – My challenge!!
I also bought some good socks. They also are critical to have good support in your shoe. It also prefends you from getting blisters and sweaty feet. I didn’t even thought about such a thing but when I’m going I’m going to do it good! I bought the Sartwool Hike socks. They are 73% wool and has a thick sole, heel and toes. This makes your foot fit the shoe and makes sure you won’t slip in your shoe when your feet get hot. Because of the wool the drainage of sweat or fluids are quick and good. This prefends you from getting blisters ofcourse…and I don’t want them! Very important!
Preparing good for this Camino..
I bought woolen socks too
I am so curious how I will cope with all this walking, my new shoes and socks…
The Lowa Renegade costs 184,99 euro. When you are lucky and get them in sale you might pay less. I couldn’t wait for that 🙂
I paid 18.95 euro for the Smartwool Hike socks.
I just had a really expensive day but in the end it is all worth it! This will give me a better year walking and inb the end a great month walking the Camino.
Jacomijn is een politieagent uit Nederland die jou graag laat zien hoe je veilig, actief en gezond de wereld kan over reizen. Safe and Healthy travel is a MUST
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