Totall Workout & Safety because of Trekkingpoles
Troubles with my anckle and hip, both on the same side were bothering me so I decided to take my new trekkingpoles with me. In 2016 I hiked with similar poles for 35 days and I really liked that!
Now I went for some longer distances and with uneven grounds to walk on so it seemed like a good plan to use them again.

It didn’t took long before I start feeling like a pilgrim again and almost started saying Buen Camino to fellow hikers 🙂
Totall Workout & Safety
If you let the trekkingpoles do their job.. And so get less burden on your leggs it will include that your arms will work a bit harder.
- Getting a totall body workout by using the trekkingpoles
With every step you take you tighten your abs and so you train for a flatter stomach, who is in for that?
Trekkingpoles: Totall Workout & Safety
The second aspect I want to talk about is maybe even more important!!
You can use them to keep one on a distance. What would you do if someone is standing in front of you and pointing two trekkingpoles in your face? And not even mentioning that you can prick or slap with them!
Yes! A totall workout & Safety!
What if you are being attacked?
- You can defend yourself with your trekkingpoles. Keep both poles in one hand and keep your other hand on the bottomside of the poles. Keep them in diagonal in front of you. When you are holding them like this you can defend an attack to your upper body.
- To keep one away from you you can use the poles. Make a stabbing or pricking move towards your attacker. You can do this in different manners. You can do this with the side of your handbars but also with the bottom part of the pole. If you will punch that into someones abdomen it will hurt!
- I have some rubber tips on the bottom. Imagine if they are not on there.. You can really hurt your attacker with that. It is something you need to realise. You don’t want to hurt your attacker more then necessary. But if it is a serious attack and you need to fight for your life, you need to give the prove to your attacker that you mean business too!
Most of the time I do have those tips on my trekkingpoles so the tip will not be that pointy but it will hurt if you give it a go. It will always be more hurtfull using them instead of the handbars.
On the camino there was an incident. I wasn’t there.. I had blisters and didn’t want to stop because I was scared that I couldn’t stand up again. But my buddies did stop and they encounters the French couple.When they later on that day got to the alberque they told me that John was attacked by the man using his sticks. John wanted to make a joke but that went wrong and he broke something of the wife of the Frenchman…
At the moment something broke of his wife…something broke in his head too…
Trekkingpoles: Totall Workout & Safety
Have you ever thought about the trekkingpoles like this?
Not only for hiking..
But also as a workout
that it will increase your safety while hiking?
I hope it will be a reason for you to go and try the trekkingpoles!!
And I want to give you this tip again 🙂
- The carbine
This time a small carbine was still attached to my backpack. They come in so handy in all different ways! For now my trekkingspoles could be attached on them when I didn’t use them in the city. I used them on my Camino on a daily bases!!
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Trekkingpoles: Totall Workout & Safety
Want to read about some other hikes?
Hiking the N70 – Rijk van Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Hiking the Rheinsteig – Germany
3 short Hikes in the Engbertsdijksvenen – The Netherlands
Hiking to the Summit of Mt. Pulag – Philippines
Or can I inspire you to go cycling?
I hope you enjoy this beautiful world as much as I do!!

Jacomijn is een politieagent uit Nederland die jou graag laat zien hoe je veilig, actief en gezond de wereld kan over reizen. Safe and Healthy travel is a MUST
Thank you!! You must definitely try to come to Germany. It is a great country and has some great hiking trails!
Thank you for your post. I gain a lot of information from your post. If I have a chance, I will get to Germany for sure. I believe that I will have numerous unforgettable memories.
Best regards,