Mindful Living – What You Give Your Attention Grows

Unconsciously we all know that: What you give your attention grows! We all experience sometimes that when we take a new path and talk about it with others, a lot of good information comes to you. And that the many beautiful things that come your way are in line with the path you just took.

Yet it is often advised that you should not share / say too much. That you do not have to inform everyone about your plans because someone else might run away with it. In some cases that will be true, where competition is lurking, for example applying for a position. But in many other cases it works great. In most cases I would advise you to share it!

Sharing is multiplying and what you give your attention grows!

Sharing is Multiplying
What you give your attention grows!!

Especially now I notice that it works well, that what I give attention is growing! A few months ago I thought that I want to live differently, to have a different house. I want to use my space in this world differently. I have decided to live in a Tiny House. Actually, everything went very fast after that. Because…what you give your attention grows!

Mindful living - What you give your attention grows

Mindful Living

  • It al started with: Looking for my Tiny Spot for my Tiny House

I wrote this blog (only Dutch) and a lot of people were reading it and sharing it with others. Shortly after I found the project Op je Stek in Deventer. RTV Oost also loved talking to me about my chosen path. In the end I thought… yes… then I have to sell my house as well. And so I took that step as well! My house has been sold after 2 months!

Then I cramped up a bit … especially when it turned out that I could not buy land for a tiny house in the project of Deventer.

But because that what you gives your attention grows…. in the meantime someone else tipped me about a nice little cook’s house that got empty.  (Thanks Mar!ke) So for now I already have a tiny house in the outskirts of Hellendoorn where I am going to live next year. It is not yet what I had in mind but I am already partly there!

What I really would like to build is a house like this!

Tiny House – Building myself
I Only Need A Piece of Land!

But I’m only half a year on the path on to a new house/live!

What have I done to make so many changes in my life so quickly. I don’t think I’ve done that much at all. Everything went a bit on its own, I just looked in the right direction or people came to bring me just what I was looking for! It seems so simple....and I can tell you: It actually was!

Mindful living - What you give your attention grows
Old dear memories you will find cleaning out your house …

What you gives your attention grows!!

  • Searching & sharing on the internet / social media

Be aware of how the internet works. It surprises me that many people don’t know how much they are influenced by Google. I saw an episode on the Dutch telly about the Fabeltjesfuik (new word in The Netherlands nowadays. It means as much as fairytales trap. Because know that whatever you’re looking for can always be found on the worldwide web. Whether it’s fake news or whatever you’re looking for you’ll always find sites that endorse what you’re looking for. So the conspiracy thinkers will find more and more about the theory they adhere to. So in their world, what they want to prove is getting bigger and bigger and more real! There too, what you give your attention is growing.

The other side of that trap is that when I started looking for a Tiny House I got more and more options and ideas about how and where. The search soon goes deeper and deeper and you find more and more. This way the internet worked very well for me. It thought along with me and gave me advertising in that area.

So also know that you are influencing this yourself. You see what Google thinks you want to see based on your latest searches. If those searches always consist of the same keywords then that search goes deeper and deeper into the net and you will find more and more.

On my Twitter, Instagram and Facebook I also fully shared what I did and what I wanted. Sharing is multiplying and this was proven again. This sharing has helped me in many ways. First of all, the image of what I wanted became clear to myself by explaining it to a lot of people. Next to that I know so much better what is out there by being tagged in so many messages.

It worked out great!
I want to thank everybody for that!!

Mindful living - What you give your attention grows
Meanwhile, the ‘Subject to change’ underneath is gone and it says SOLD!

  • I have allowed meaningful coincidence into my life.

By sharing with the world what I wanted people around me started tagging me in messages that were important for my search. I got messages from people about where to look or who to approach. Of course I had to take a lot of actions myself like calling and emailing people and doing visits. I looked around at different places and visited many sites of people who already have a tiny house / or live differently.

Do you recognize what you’re being offered just like that?

Mindful living

But in the end I got (until now) exactly what I need. On this path I started with a small idea. I am now halfway along that path… My house has been sold, I’m clearing my house and giving away a lot to all kinds of people who can use it. This feels good, I give back and recognize and acknowledge that I was given a lot just like that by people around me. Everybody who watched with me and however subtly gave me an idea… I am grateful to you!

Mindful living - What you give your attention grows
This and much more has found a new owner

I’m not there yet but I fully realize that what you give your attention grows in the right direction! So I keep giving it my full attention. My search is not over yet, I am not there yet… Even though I am alreadymade big steps in only half a year!

I keep sharing and give my attention in the direction I want to go.

I was Reading a Lot of Inspirational Books

In this time of transition/change… that’s how it feels … I am reading again. Down here I will put my book list of this year… I discovered the books of Hans Peter Roel. Super inspiring and that’s why I mentioned the meaningful coincidence earlier. Learn to recognize points, sometimes recurring points, in your life and then deal with them! Give it a chance and go for it!

Which books I read in the last few months.

The following books of  Hans Peter Roel:

De Vierde Dimensie: Toeval Bestaat Niet

Himalaya: De reis naar binnen

Qi:  The Journey of Your Life

Op zoek naar de Hemel: Een spirituele reis door 3 landen


The only one translated I have linked for you.

Mindful living - What you give your attention grows

Wild, A Journey From Lost to Found – Cheryl Stayed

Alleen – Tim Voors (about walking the PCT, check the link for an English version)

De Maagd is Terug – Christine Pannebakker

Weg Ermee – Dennis Storm ( about Minimalism)

I’m also reading the following at the moment:

Yoga als Levenskunst (Light on Life) – B.K.S. Iyengar

Skillful Means – Tarthang Tulku

Purely for inspiration I share this book list of the books I read this summer and so far. There are times that I do not read….and this year I have rediscovered it.. 🙂

I find them all inspiring and instructive!
They shape you as a spiritual person and give you energy!

Did you think these words are inspiring?
Spread the Word!

Mindful Living
What You Give Your Attention Grows

Looking for more inspiration?

Go Mindful Walking – Tips for a Walking Meditation

What Can younderhoud je Lichaam – Voorkom Blessures

Use the Power of Positive Thinking to your Advantage

The Hanstand is a Must Do – Adho Mukha Vrksasana

Pranayama : How Shoul We Correctly Breath

And… Enjoy the Moment!!

Geniet van het moment De weg naar het geluk!

I hope you enjoy this beautiful world as much as I do!