A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

I visited Bishkek, the great capital of Kyrgyzstan. I didn’t feel quit alright after my 6 day journey in the mountains and had a huge blister on my lip. I think I had 4 or 5 of them…all in my lower lip?!?

Because of that I didn’t do much in Bishkek to fully explore the city. I did book a nice hostel where I partly had my own ‘room’. I was at Capsule Hotel. Ideal if you don’t want to pay a lot but just need that extra bit of privacy. I even had my own television in the capsule!!

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

  • Erkindik Parc

The city has a nice and easy to navigate centre. I was situated close to the lang Erkindik parc which will get you from one side to the other side of the city.  Walking is the best way to explore a town so this parc made it easy to walk from one side to the other quick.

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek
Looking at the pictures I see these stalls… I don’t like the fact that I was a bit sick and didn’t try these drinks. You see them everywhere!!

  • I spend a lot of time at Social Coffee.

It is really a great place to hang out. They offer lots of different kinds of coffee and tea. You can also have breakfast, lunch or dinner here. They really have a great menu with lots of different choices. I can really recommend this place to hang out for some time, check your social media and upload some pictures!!

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

As you can see it is really nicely decorated and… the WiFi is great too!!

What else do you need?

  • I loved Nice2MeatU too!

Nice2MeatU is a restaurant and I eat there twice. They have a burger side of the restaurant and the meat side. I used both but ordered the burger twice. They were really good and the restaurant was also really comfortable and nicely decorated!

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

How do you like those books?

What do you really need to see when you are in Bishkek?

  • You NEED to visit the big Ala Too square.

The square is big and lots of locals always hang out there. During the day a bit less then the evenings. There are lots of stalls with food and drinks in the evening and families come here to enjoy the long summer evenings.

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

Near the square there will be the historical museum in some time. They are still building it, for years already it seems. But if that is finished you should go visit and see what this great Kyrgyz culture is all about!

  • The huge flag post

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

I saw the change of guards one day. They do it every two hours and it was impressive to witness. They really get their legs up high while walking to their post. I don’t know if I can do that!! When they reach their post they are dead quiet.. Just after they were there a colleague came and checked if everything was neat and good for the upcoming two hours.

  • Panfilov Parc and Oak Parc

Behind this square you  have some huges parcs. In these parcs lots of statues of famous historic figures are situated. Also the parc is a great place to relax on a hot summer day, there are lots of benches everywhere.

During the evening it is really nice to hang out here. Locals will come out at evening time to walk the streets and parcs and so there will be lots of stalls that sell food and drinks also.

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

  • Holy Ressurection Church

I also searched for this Russian Orthodox church. I saw a picture on the internet and I wante to see the white church with the bleu towers myself. When you go inside you will see that there are still no chairs of benches in these churches…

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

  • Victory Square

I also walked to this Victory Square. This square is dedicated to the end of the Second World War.The arches symbolises the arches of a YURT, isn’t that great?

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

What I missed… but really does seem worth a visit is:

  • A Russian Banya

In Bishkek is Zirghal Banya, a russian public bath house. I did see the name and heard about it. I really wanted to visit but I didn’t do it. I didn’t feel good as I was mentioning in the beginning.. Maybe if I visited this I felt better…

It is a bath where you can rins you body with hot water and go under in a cold bath… And this you need to repeat! I do think it is good for you body!!

  • Osh Bazaar

When you are still looking for some souvenirs this bazaar is the best. For tourists really nice to all the activities at the bazaar, I heard the people are not only there to sell you something. And… locals do come here to get their daily groceries too! That is a good combination, right?

  • Ala Archa National Parc

This parck is situated around 40K south of the city. I visited the city during Eid and so lots of shops were closed and people were celebrating this holidy. Also because of this the parc would be very busy and driving there would be hard. So after 10 days in the Tien Shan mountain I didn’t go for it…but would have loved to see more of those great mountains!

I can recommend going to this parc and take a hike!! There are lots of trails and they are signed properly so you can hike by yourself.

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek
Tien Shan mountains where I did a 6 day horse trek just before

A relaxed visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

I really felt that it was a green city! Lots of green parcs but when getting out of the parc you see that the city has this russian feeling somehow. Lots of buildings are concrete and not like I know of Asia with lots of colour. That is the influence of being part of Russia for so long I think. I have never been in Russia but it is not Asian…

I really liked seeing that mix fo Russia and Asia. The people are real asians but they have a lot of Russian background too. For me it was the first time visiting Central Asia and I am super enthousiastic about it! I will defenitely go back and explore more!!

Have you been in Kyrgyzstan?

My circle is not that big yet so you’ll make me happy if you share it in yours 🙂

Do also read about my trekking by horse in Kyrgyzstan!!

6 Day Trekking by Horse in Kyrgyzstan – Central Asia

Or would you like to see more citytrips?

7 Times Must See in Stockholm – Sweden

Walk along the Sights of Copenhagen – Denmark

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My Hightlights of New Delhi – India

A Day in Johannesburg – South Africa

Or what about a great visit to the sauna?

Sauna above the sea – Bastad, Sweden

I hope you love this world as much as I do!!