There are a lot of beautiful places in the province Overijssel on the east side of The Netherlands to go hiking. Overijssel is super versatile and offers many
Have you ever heard of the Hanseatic Cities in Europe? In The Netherlands we have several and now you can go hiking the Hanzestedenpad which leads you along
Discover Fortress Muiden on the coast of The Netherlands! When I’m not travelling I don’t always sit still but I’m also looking for nice places in the Netherlands.
This is one of the most Famous and Touristic Parts of Holland: Safe and Healthy TravelJacomijn is een politieagent uit Nederland die jou graag laat zien hoe je
After returning from India and Thailand last week, and being away for a whole month I needed to restart my running or mountainbiking still. I loved being in
‘ At some point I looked back and saw people crawling through the mud, with their whole body in seawater. ‘ Safe and Healthy TravelJacomijn is een politieagent
Hunebed Centre Borger Safe and Healthy TravelJacomijn is een politieagent uit Nederland die jou graag laat zien hoe je veilig, actief en gezond de wereld kan over reizen.
Cave Zonneberg in Maastricht once included more then 20.000 passages underground. Safe and Healthy TravelJacomijn is een politieagent uit Nederland die jou graag laat zien hoe je veilig,